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List Google Calendars
Lists available google calendars and their IDs.
List Google Calendar Events
Lists google calendar events.
List Google Calendar Availability
Check time availability for booking meetings of a specific calendar.
Book Google Calendar Availability
Book a time slot in a calendar.
Google Mail
Execute task on Google Mail to manage emails and drafts and search messages and threads.
Fetch Gmail User Profile
Fetch the profile of the authenticated user.
Search Gmail Drafts
Search for drafts in Gmail.
List Gmail Drafts
Get a list of all gmail drafts sorted in descending order.
Fetch Gmail Message
Get a specific gmail message by id.
Create Gmail Draft Email
Create a draft email in Gmail.
Send Gmail Draft Email
Send a draft email in Gmail.
Delete Gmail Draft Email
Delete a draft email in Gmail.
Search Gmail Messages
Search for messages in Gmail.
List Gmail Messages
Get a list of all gmail messages sorted in descending order.
List Unanswered Gmail Messages
List messages that are potentially pending a response.
Fetch Gmail Message
Get a specific gmail message by id.
Send Gmail Message
Send an email using Gmail.
Trash Gmail Message
Move a specific gmail message to the trash.
Search Gmail Threads
Search for threads in Gmail.
List Gmail Threads
Get a list of all gmail threads sorted in descending order.
Fetch Gmail Thread
Get a specific gmail thread by id.
Trash Gmail Thread
Move a specific gmail thread to the trash.
List Gmail Labels
Get a list of all gmail labels.
Create Gmail Label
Create a new label in Gmail.
Delete Gmail Label
Delete a specific gmail label by id.
Google Docs
Execute task on Google Docs to create, update, delete, search, and export documents.
Search Google Documents
Search for documents in Google Docs.
Fetch Google Document
Fetch the content of a Google Document in a text format
Create Google Document
Create a new Google Document using the provided text and optional title.
Create Google Document from Template
Create a new Google Document from a template using the provided text and optional title.
Update Google Document
Update an existing Google Document using the provided text. This action will overwrite the existing content.
Append to Google Document
Append text to an existing Google Document.
Delete Google Document
Delete a specific Google Document by id.
Export Google Document
Creates a download link for a Google Document in a specific format. Suitable for email attachments.
Google Meet
Execute task on Google Meet to manage recordings and transcripts.
List Google Meet Recordings
List all Google Meet recordings.
Fetch Google Meet Recording Transcript
Fetch the transcript of a Google Meet recording.
Search Google Contacts
Search for contacts in Google Contacts.